
5 Things that Drive You Crazy About Voucher Code Websites

You can’t call yourself an avid online shopper in less you’ve gone to great lengths to scope out a way to get a discount on your order. Whether sniffing out free delivery minimum spends, scraping the barrel signing up to newsletters or, the final frontier, getting right into the thick of it slaving through voucher code website after voucher code website. For those well-versed veterans, these tasks come naturally, and, in turn, there are just a few things that really grate when it comes to voucher code websites.

  1. When Voucher Codes Don’t Work

Let’s face it. When you go on a voucher code website, they have one job. If they fail at that one job, honestly why are we even here? Picture this:

  • You’ve begun your search, you’re on a mission to save on your order even if it is a meagre couple of pounds.
  • You’ve stumbled across a website and things are looking promising.
  • There’s a 10% off code and you’ve even checked those sneaky terms and conditions to see if you’re eligible.
  • You’ve narrowly escaped disappointment when that message at the checkout says you haven’t met the minimum spend requirement.

And then… it just doesn’t work. For whatever reason, whether there is an error or it’s expired. It doesn’t work, and you’re left scarred, lulled into a false sense of money saving security. It’s annoying. The website is meant to hold one purpose and it couldn’t even update fast enough to avoid this basic mistake.

  1. Infuriating Misleading Messages

Coming across a great deal only to find you’re not eligible for any of the following reasons:

  • You’re not a new customer.
  • You’re not an existing customer.
  • You haven’t met a minimum spend.
  • You’ve not bought these selected products.
  • You haven’t jumped through a hoop.
  • You haven’t tapped your head and rubbed your tummy at the same time whilst running around in a circle.

This comes down to all the necessary information not being there, which is very annoying. Misleading voucher codes can also commonly come down to these websites advertising sale pages for retailers without making it explicitly clear. Sale and clearance pages are accessible for everyone and many voucher code websites articulate these deals to sound like they’re saving you money, when, in actual fact, the discounts are already there.

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  1. Simply a Voucher Code Website

Now this may sound ridiculous, but many voucher code websites talk about being experts in saving you money whilst doing the absolute least. Yes, it’s all well and good offering a voucher code and we’ll take that 20% off, thank you very much. But really, where is the expertise in that?

As a website that’s sole function is to save you money on your online shopping, we like to add value with the extra services we offer. For example, at Discount Promo Codes we don’t just simply have thousands of pages filled with discounts. We also blog and advise on how best to spend your money at retailers like Argos and Debenhams. Really, where are you more likely to shop? With websites like My Favourite Voucher Codes, we want to pack in some personality and trust, as well as top advice.

  1. Finding Savings for Certain Retailers

When you’re desperate for one very specific store, it sometimes feels like every single voucher code website has closed its doors to you and said, ‘Not today!’ Worst still, when they have the shop you’re looking for, but their page is sparse, barely even stringing a sale or free delivery deal together. Or, worst still, they haven’t clarified when a retailer has actually closed altogether. Seriously, you had one job! Admittedly every voucher code website can’t have every retailer under the sun, but you can at least keep the pages you do have up to date.

  1. Having an Ugly Interface

We all know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but when it comes to websites we’ll admit we’ll click straight off a website if it looks like its stuck in the stone age of dial up connection. Unfortunately, voucher code websites are notorious for being pretty, well, ugly. We’re not expecting anything fancy. The important thing is that you make the codes actually… work. But it wouldn’t go amiss to keep the website looking clean and easy to navigate. Avoid too many flashy adverts, pop-ups,  pixelated images and weird colour schemes.

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